I hope you had wonderful Thanksgiving!
Unfortunately my T-day didn’t go so well. Isaac, his sister and I headed to the Richmond Turkey Trot race at the University of Richmond ready to run the 10K. We were two miles in when I slipped while running downhill on a gravel trail and fell on both of my knees. My left knee is bruised but not swollen or painful, however my right knee, which twisted during the fall, is super swollen. I was down on the trail, crying uncontrollably and saying that I thought I dislocated my knee. <– I’m pretty sure I didn’t but after seeing my leg twisted that way I thought I had. A random guy who was behind me on the trail lifted me up and kept on running, while another super sweet guy grabbed me and helped me walk towards the finish line with Isaac’s sister.
Isaac was ahead of us so he didn’t know what happened until he found me at the finish line looking like this:
Sad turkey!
We still traveled to Norfolk and enjoyed our time with Isaac’s family but I was pretty much posted up in a recliner the whole day pretty frustrated at myself for falling. Lots of tears.
Yesterday things hadn’t gotten better so we went to Ortho On Call, an urgent care center for bone and joint injuries. They were awesome – I highly recommend them if you’re local and ever have an injury. They took x-rays, examined my knee and decided to remove the fluid that had built up, which ended up being 100 ccs of blood. This seemed to worry the doctor. Although she didn’t see anything major in the x-rays, she said it could still be a small patella fracture, a meniscus tear or a bone bruise and that I need to get an MRI ASAP, use crutches and keep my knee compressed and elevated. So that’s what I’ve been up to this holiday weekend. :/ Not really what I had envisioned but it could certainly be worse. The lady in front of me at Ortho On Call had broken both of her ankles!!
I’m just trying to keep my spirits up, stay positive and hope for the best when it comes to the MRI next week. Isaac’s been taking great care of me so in that sense, I’m a lucky girl!
Alright, enough bad news for the day. I’ll be back soon with a fun giveaway.
The post Turkey Down appeared first on Eating Bird Food.